Plant of the Month: Red Ball Cactus


Just by looking at a Red Ball Cactus, or Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, you know it’s a unique set of plants. With its vibrant top, a Red Ball Cactus is the perfect way to vitalize your home, your room, or even your desk. Just in time for Spring, too!

The Red Ball Cactus is part of the Gymnocalycium(a mouth full, we know) family which comes from Argentina. Unlike the other plants in the Gymnocalycium family, the Red Ball Cactus grows a cactus at the top, and not a flower. What’s great about a Red Ball Cactus is that it doesn’t grow too large. This means you can grow a bunch of them to brighten up your living room, or keep just one in your office. You won’t have to worry about switching pots or spaces for this plant.


The Red Ball Cactus is created through the process of grafting. The Red Ball Cactus at the top of the green stem can not produce chlorophyll. This means that it can only survive when it grows on top of green cactus.

For care, make sure to avoid putting your Red Ball Cactus is any cold enviroments; it is from Argentina after all! When watering, make sure all of the soil is damp, but let it dry in between. If any branches grow out from the green base, cut them off. These branches could halt the process of grafting and could potentially harm your Red Ball Cactus! As long as you keep your plant warm, watered, and trimmed, you’re good to go!

We all know that Spring Fever is coming if it hasn’t already. A Red Ball Cactus is the perfect way to get a pop of color and life, while trying to survive the remaining month of cold.


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