Ina’s Crystal Corner: Rose Quartz

Happy Spooky Season Plant Lovers!

Before October comes to an end, we’re going to take a closer look at its birthstone Rose Quartz, also known as Hyaline Quartz. This beautiful glassy pink crystal is a Fern & Fossil favorite thanks to the dazzling pop of color it brings to our succulent terrariums. But rose quartz also has other properties that make it one of my personal favorite crystals for gardening. Dying plant? Plop a bit of rose quartz in the soil after repotting. This crystal is great for trying to revive plants or welcome new ones home. Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine are my favorite crystals to use when trying to rescue a sick plant because of their associations with love, healing, and the heart chakra.

Rose quartz is sometimes referred to as “the love stone” and widely used across many spiritual practices. In Western astrology, rose quartz is associated with the planet Venus, and subsequently the zodiac signs it rules over: Taurus and Libra (happy belated libra season everyone!). There have been many different legends about the stone’s origin in Greek/Roman mythology. Some stories say the crystal was a gift to humanity from Cupid, others associate the stone’s color with the blood of Aphrodite. Legend is that when Apollo was sent to kill Aphrodite’s lover, she was cut trying to protect him and stained the stone permanently. Like the zodiac sign Libra, rose quartz is associated with balanced relationships and attracting healthy love. 

But rose quartz isn’t just a great crystal for your next date night though. In gardening, rose quartz promotes better blooming in flowering plants, helps plants maintain a richer green color, speeds up growth in young plants, and is best used on new & struggling plants due to its loving and healing energies. You can use rose quartz to give your plants a quick boost of vitality from the stone’s vibrations just by placing in the soil.