Plant of the Month September 2024: Mexican Hens (Echeveria shaviana)

Our Plant of the Month for this September is Echeveria shaviana, otherwise more commonly known as Mexican Hens. This leafy succulent is cabbage-like in texture and is usually a pale blue-green/gray color, although when grown in bright lighting it can take on a pink or purple tint. Like many Echeveria succulents, Mexican Hens grows in a rosette pattern but its uniqueness lies in the wrinkled edges of its leaves. Despite the major differences in appearance, Mexican Hens is sometimes confused with Sempervivum tectorum (a common houseleek also known as Hens & Chicks) which has a fuzzy texture along the leaves.

But my absolute favorite thing about Mexican Hens is the way this succulent flowers! Just look at how beautifully they bloomed this past August at Fern & Fossil’s new location! When this Echevaria succulent blooms, it creates offshoot stalks that grow from the stem and bloom bright pink flowers along the tips. These bell shaped flowers have yellow filaments inside the petals, creating a sunset coloring effect. Mexican Hens flower in mid to late summertime. At the end of this September when the flowers have dried up, we’ll trim off the stalk and use it to propagate another Echevaria! One of our Mexican Hens has already started growing a new rosette along the stalk!

Mexican Hens (Echeveria shaviana) needs the following care:

Light ☀️ Full Sun

Water 💧Only when soil is completely dry. Do not overwater

Grow 🌱 This is not a cold hardy plant. For best results avoid temperatures below 50 F.