Plant of the Month October 2022: Firecracker Plant (Echeveria setosa)

Happy Spooky Season Plant-Lovers!

Welcome back to another installment of Plant of the Month! This October we’re taking a look at Echeveria setosa, also commonly known as the “firecracker plant” or “hens and chicks”. Like many other echeverias native to Mexico, this plant has plump green leaves in a rosette pattern. But upon closer inspection, one will notice short thin white hairs growing along the petals, giving it a fuzzy appearance. If you’re wondering why it’s called the firecracker plant, look no further than the red flowers with yellow tips that grow along the stems of the succulent in the spring. The flowers resemble small flames and often don’t open all the way, even when fully blossomed. 

Firecracker plants are low-maintenance, requiring little water and generally thrive best in partial light. Although these succulents tolerate full light, long exposure to direct sun can bleach or burn their leaves. They’re also very simple to propagate, just take cuttings! I personally tend to take cuttings when the plant begins to stretch. Firecracker plants are a fun addition to every succulent collection, but if you’re plant parents with pets we recommend steering away from this one as it’s considered mildly toxic. I know I sure wouldn’t be able to trust my cat Buffy around one.

Firecracker Plant (Echeveria setosa) needs the following care:

Light ☀️ Light shade to Full Sun.

Water 💧Only when soil is completely dry. Do not overwater.

Grow 🌱 This is not a cold hardy plant. For best results avoid temperatures below 20 F.