Plant of the Month April 2022: Aloe Flow (x Gasteraloe ‘flow’)

x Gasteraloe ‘flow’, more commonly known as Aloe Flow, is a desert plant of the Asphodelaceae family. This beautiful succulent is native to southern Africa but can still happily thrive in your home. Aloe Flow are known for their thick triangle shaped leaves in a rosette pattern. Their leaves are usually a rich dark green and have a spotted texture. Aloe Flow grows slowly and stays small at about 8 inches in diameter.

Although these plants don’t typically flower, plant parents may get lucky enough to see small red or pink flowers hanging from their stems in late winter or early spring under the proper conditions. To have the best chance of flowering, keep temperatures warm around 70 F and no lower than 60, use a balanced fertilizer and water after to allow excess salts to drain. Be sure to avoid fertilizers with high concentrations of phosphorus as the phosphorus can be damaging to your plant baby. 

For those who have little light available in their homes, Aloe Flow are the perfect succulents. Unlike many succulent desert plants, these babies tolerate lots of shade. Although they can be susceptible to fungal infections, Aloe Flow have natural defenses that ward off such attacks and will seal off any wounded leaves! As a low maintenance plant, they’re perfect for plant parents that live busy lives. 

Aloe Flow (x Gasteraloe ‘flow’)  needs the following care:

Light ☀️ Full sun to light shade.

Water 💧Only when soil is completely dry. Do not overwater.

Grow 🌱 This is not a cold hardy plant. For best results avoid temperatures below 20 F.