Plant of the Month May 2022: Burro's Tail (Sedum morganianum)

Our plant of the month for May is Sedum morganianum and a personal favorite. It’s best known as the Burro’s Tail plant thanks to its beautiful trailing stems resembling an animal’s tail, but can also be referred to as the Sedum Burrito plant. These charming succulents are native to southern Mexico and Honduras but make great houseplants for beginner and advanced gardeners alike. 

In order to take care of these plant babies, make sure to provide a few hours of natural light. However be wary of exposing Burro’s Tail plants to too much direct sunlight, as the harsh light can bleach the leaves causing them to yellow or redden. Like other succulents, it’s crucial to not overwater them and cause root rot, especially in the winter when it is in its dormant state. Remember, less is more. Depending on conditions, you likely only need to water your succulent once a month during the dormant period. If the Burro’s Tail has a successful dormant period, plant parents are likely to see small pink or red star-shaped flowers in the summer along the tops of each stem. To have the best chance of flowering, fertilize once during both the spring and summer two months apart.

Although it can take three to five years to reach its full size, the Burro’s Tail plant can grow up to four feet long to create a delicate cascading trail of pale green buds. The width of the plant will depend on the size of its container but we recommend sticking to something between five or six inches for more manageable care. These succulents can be surprisingly heavy due to the amount of water stored in its leaves so be sure to propagate them from time to time so the stems don’t snap or break (five inch cuttings work best). Likewise it’s important to keep them in a safe place where they won’t be disturbed as their leafy buds are easily knocked off. Don’t do what I did when I first got my plant baby and let your cat accidentally knock it over, as it can take a long time for the buds to grow back. It’s a good idea to keep them suspended in the air in a hanging glass.

Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)  needs the following care:

Light ☀️ Full sun to light shade.

Water 💧Only when soil is completely dry. Do not overwater.

Grow 🌱 This is not a cold hardy plant. For best results avoid temperatures below 20 F.